No, Trump is not a Republican...AND "the Bushes, the Cheneys, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, conservatives like George Conway and Bill Kristol, now Mitch McConnell, and Alaska Senator Markowski" are not conservatives...they, in fact are barely removed from the democrat party. This is where the term UNIPARTY comes from. Perhaps we need a new party - the MAGA Party. Wouldn't this just, essentially, be created a second party. We could have ballots showing MAGA candidates vs. UNI candidates.

The beauty of Trump not doing what presidents in the past have done is that we don't have to continue down the path that we have followed. The past is why we are here....bloated government, ineffective government and over-reaching government. Sorry, but, government should be the smallest part of our lives - not the largest. Also, who the eff cares what other countries think. I doubt that they make decisions based on what USA thinks...why should we do that in turn? Last time I checked, Trump was President of the USA not the Comforter in Chief of the World.

If you need to be coddled, there are plenty of other places where you can have your needs fulfilled - Netherlands, Germany, Canada...go, go, go. In fact, try Mexico or one of the other South American countries. many of the illegal immigrants here love to wave their home country flags and tell us how awful it is here yet NEVER want to be sent back to their WONDERFUL countries. Give me a break or better yet, LEAVE!

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In opportunity sometimes there is great risk.

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Great Risk = Great Rewards

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